Food matters
You have many options to treat your cancer and what you eat also makes a difference. We outline 7 diets that you can do that will boost your body’s natural defenses to fight cancer by reducing inflammation, removing toxins, and making an environment in the body that limits cancer growth.
1. Budwig Protocol
Created by Dr. Johanna Budwig, this diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Cottage cheese or quark is also used with flaxseed oil. Processed foods, refined sugars, and fat from animals are reduced.
Cancer Use: The Budwig protocol addresses a fundamental aspect of cancer by targeting cellular oxygen deprivation. This dietary approach aims to enhance oxygen availability to cells, potentially supporting their normal functioning.
2. Ketogenic Diet
This low-carb/high-fat diet puts the body into a state of ketosis, where fat is burned for fuel instead of glucose. A Ketogenic diet eliminates or limits carbs while increasing the consumption of meats, fish, oils, nuts, and low-carb vegetables.
Cancer Use: In alternative cancer therapy, the ketogenic diet reduces tumor cells’ access to glucose, which they rely on for growth.
3. Gerson Therapy Diet
Developed by Dr. Max Gerson, this diet consists of organic, plant-based foods, raw juices, raw liver, and supplements. It emphasizes juicing from fresh fruits and vegetables to detoxify the body and augment the immune system.
Cancer Use: Used in alternative cancer clinics as a detoxification strategy to remove toxins that may inhibit cancer growth.
4. Alkaline Diet
This diet focuses on reducing the body’s acidity by consuming fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts while lowering acidic foods like processed foods, dairy, and milk.
Cancer Use: Proponents of this diet believe that creating an alkaline environment in the body reduces the spread of cancer as typically tumors generate an acidic environment.
5. Raw Food Diet
This diet consists of eating uncooked and unprocessed foods. The rationale is that raw foods retain natural enzymes that are eliminated through cooking. This diet consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
Cancer Use: The raw food diet is intended to detoxify the body and provide a nutrient-dense diet that aids in the body’s natural healing. It promotes an increase of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in the body
6. Macrobiotic Diet
· Overview: The macrobiotic diet emphasizes whole grains, vegetables, and beans, with a focus on organic and locally sourced foods. It often includes fermented foods and avoids processed foods, dairy, and refined sugars.
· Cancer Use: This diet is used in alternative cancer treatments to promote balance and harmony in the body. Proponents believe it helps detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system, though scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness in cancer treatment is limited (academic.oup).
7. Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet also emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Additionally, healthy fats from olive oil plus moderate consumption of poultry and fish with a reduction in red meat, sugar, and processed foods is important.
Cancer Benefits: This diet increases antioxidants and reduces compounds that affect inflammation thus reducing the risk of cancer development. A lower risk of breast and colorectal cancers has been associated with this diet.
You Are What You Eat
Of course, there are many factors that can affect the risk of cancer from blood type to behavior. Dr. Richard Schulz in his book “Healthy Habits” advocates the importance of a simple lifestyle rich in clean eating, herbal medicines, and detoxification of the body. Obviously, nutrition remains an integral part of overall health and as a therapy option can be as unique to each individual. It’s important to be realistic in one’s ability to stick to a diet for it to pay healthy dividends. At Dayspring Cancer Clinic, we understand and have years of experience helping patients work through the many challenges that arise from cancer with many solutions including healthy nutrition. Call us to learn more or schedule a consultation by calling 480-699-7400 or going to https://www.dayspringcancerclinic.com/contact.