When there is a diagnosis of cancer, shock, and fear can cause even the most resilient patients to search for any treatment that promises them the best outcome of success. Common conventional treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Most of these are covered under traditional insurance so patients are often presented with these treatment options. However, they are commonly known to carry significant side effects such as nausea, pain, fatigue, hair loss, bleeding, and tissue damage to highlight a few in addition to chemotherapy having poor outcome in stage 4 cancers.
With advances in medicine, additional therapies have arisen that provide viable alternatives. Many of these options come with fewer side effects but it is important to understand that therapies are best prescribed on an individual, personalized level to affect the best results. To help patients weigh their options, we’re highlighting 8 alternative treatments commonly used by Dayspring Cancer Clinic.
Alternative Treatments
3 Bromopyruvate: 3-Bromopyruvate (3-BP) therapy is an experimental cancer therapy that targets the energy metabolism of cancer cells. It inhibits a key enzyme involved in glycolysis, disrupting the tumor's ability to generate energy, ultimately leading to cell death.
Cellsonic Therapy: CellSonic VIPP therapy utilizes an electrohydraulic machine to deliver a sequence of pressure pulses directly to the tumor and its vicinity. These pulses trigger a physiological response, prompting the body to initiate its own repair healing mechanisms.
Immunotherapy: This therapy is designed to specifically target cancer cells without affecting healthy cells thus reducing the impact of side effects and damage to surrounding tissues. Immunotherapies have been known to demonstrate effectiveness in advanced stage cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments and in certain cases, have lowered the risk of recurrence.
Intravenous Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the non-toxic therapies that target cancer cells without the negative side effects of chemotherapy drugs according to a NIH 2005 study. It is selectively toxic meaning that it reacts with oxygen within tumors creating hydrogen peroxide which cancer cells are deficient in the enzyme catalase that degrades it. It is the increased hydrogen peroxide that is toxic to cancer cells.
Life Vessel: The Life Vessel offers a unique therapeutic experience aimed at promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and equilibrium within the body. It empowers the body's inherent capacity for self-regulation and healing, providing a holistic approach to well-being.
Oxygen Therapy: Oxygen therapy replenishes crucial oxygen levels to support healthy cell function. This approach helps maintain optimal cellular conditions, potentially inhibiting the transition to cancerous cell states due to oxygen deficiency.
Royal Rife Resonance Therapy: Royal Rife Resonance Therapy harnesses specific frequencies generated by Rife frequency generators, targeting pathogens and addressing a diverse range of health conditions.
Locoregional Hyperthermia (LHRT): A leading-edge therapy that delivers moderate heat (39-42 degrees Celsius) to a localized region of the body, so that the heat primarily targets the cancer while maintaining the integrity of surrounding cells and tissue. The application of targeted heat on a tumor increases the therapeutic response of oncological treatments.
When it comes to your health and your cancer, it’s important to ask questions, do your research, and explore all options including those that have evolved from conventional methods. Science continues to find alternatives that are peer-reviewed and tested that focus on improving the efficacy of targeting cancer while limiting the negative impact on the healthy cells and tissues of the body. To find out more about your options, talk to Dr. Andrew Dickens, a leading expert in alternative medicine therapies at all stages and types of cancers by calling 480-699-7400 or schedule a consultation at https://www.dayspringcancerclinic.com/contact.