Michael Kessler, DC
Genetic Testing Specialist
Dr. Michael Kessler, a prominent figure in the field of genetic testing, brings a unique blend of expertise and dedication to Dayspring Cancer Clinic. His journey in healthcare has been marked by a passionate pursuit of holistic well-being and a deep commitment to patient care.
After earning his degree in Psychology from San Jose State University, he attended Life Chiropractic College, obtaining his certification in 1985. Since then, he has remained in practice, continually expanding his knowledge in various disciplines, including Genetics, Functional Medicine, Bioregulatory Medicine, and Chiropractic.
For the past 15 years, Dr. Kessler has spearheaded the development of cutting-edge technology utilize globally for monitoring patients’ health on multiple genetic levels. This groundbreaking advancement has found a vital application within Dayspring Cancer Clinic, enhancing patient care and treatment evaluation.
Dr. Kessler’s collaboration with Dr. Andrew Dickens spans eight years. They have synergized their mutual expertise to benefit their patients. Their consultation on complex cases, including testing and evaluation, has been instrumental in the clinic’s comprehensive approach to care focused on patient genetics.
Outside the realm of medicine, Dr. Kessler’s interests are as diverse as his professional pursuits. A keen appreciation for art, nurtured by his talented and versatile wife, led him to explore oil painting, stimulating his right-brain creativity. His physicality finds expression in various forms of intense training, including Pilates, high-intensity interval training, cycling, and his cherished passions, Judo and Jujitsu.