Leading Edge Therapies
Your cancer is as unique as you are, so Dayspring Cancer Clinic offers you a broad range of scientifically-tested, evidenced-based therapies designed to accentuate your body’s natural mechanisms like the immune system to fight your cancer. Therapies are both less invasive and do less harm than conventional methods. Importantly, precision-based holistic therapies target the cancer and enable patients’ immune systems to perform their jobs as nature has prescribed which increases the likelihood for positive outcomes. Check out some of the various therapies we offer and their associated benefits for patients.
3 Bromopyruvate
3-Bromopyruvate (3-BP) therapy is an experimental cancer therapy that targets the energy metabolism of cancer cells. It inhibits a key enzyme involved in glycolysis, disrupting the tumor's ability to generate energy, ultimately leading to cell death.
Blue Scorpion Venom
Blue scorpion venom has been utilized for over two decades in cancer treatment, both in Cuba and internationally. It has gained recognition and approval from Ministries of Health in various countries, attesting to its potential therapeutic benefits.
Budwig Protocol
The Budwig protocol addresses a fundamental aspect of cancer by targeting cellular oxygen deprivation. This dietary approach aims to enhance oxygen availability to cells, potentially supporting their normal functioning.
Cannabis has a history of medicinal use in China, Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Spain. In America, it served as a non-alcoholic pain reliever until the introduction of aspirin in 1897. Today, the therapeutic potential of cannabis and its derivative, CBD (cannabidiol), is explored in various medical contexts, including cancer treatment.
Cellsonic Therapy
CellSonic VIPP therapy utilizes an electrohydraulic machine to deliver a sequence of pressure pulses directly to the wound and its vicinity. These pulses trigger a physiological response, prompting the body to initiate its own repair mechanisms.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver has served as a natural, non-toxic antibiotic. Its medical appeal lies in the fact that pathogens do not tend to develop resistance to it, in contrast to pharmaceutical antibiotics. Additionally, colloidal silver does not disrupt the gut flora, thereby safeguarding the immune system.
Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy, often referred to as a colonic, is primarily employed for detoxification rather than as a substitute for the body's natural bowel function. This procedure involves the gentle infusion of warm water into the colon to help flush out accumulated waste and toxins.
Electrodermal Screening
Electrodermal screening, known also as EDS, EAV, electroacupuncture, and Meridian Energy Analysis, merges Western technology for data collection with Eastern medicine regarding the body's electrical currents along mapped meridian lines. This aims to assess the body's energetic balance and identify potential imbalances.
First Fix the Leak
We strongly encourage our patients to have their “leak” fixed so our therapies will have a lasting impact. Meaning what has caused the cancer and how do we fix that first?
Chelation therapy is a FDA-approved method, dating back to 1953, used to effectively remove heavy metals from the body, particularly lead. It involves administering chelating agents that bind to metal ions for subsequent elimination through urine.
How to starve cancer
Jane McLelland tells her amazing story of resilience and perseverance in doing research and discoveries regarding “off label” drug therapies for her cancer.
Hyperthermia (Locoregional)
Locoregional Hyperthermia involves raising the temperature of a tumor to enhance the effectiveness of additional therapies in treating cancer.
Dayspring Cancer Clinic collaborates with patients for both immediate cancer resolution and long-term body fortification through techniques like immunotherapy. This approach harnesses the body's immune system to target and combat cancer cells
Individualized vs Personalized Medicine
Individualized medicine is tailored to a singular person, while personalized medicine is designed for a demographic, such as a specific age range or gender group. We prioritize individualized therapies, so each patient receives customized care for their distinct medical profile.
Intravenous Vitamin C
Intravenous vitamin C involves the direct administration of high-dose vitamin C through a vein, for rapid absorption and potential therapeutic benefits. We may incorporate intravenous vitamin C as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to harness its potential in supporting overall health and cancer care.
Ketogenic Diet
A ketogenic diet is a metabolic approach that focuses on fat-burning. Our dedicated nutritionist provides individualized support, crafting tailored meal plans to streamline the process and ensure a seamless transition into this dietary regimen.
Life Vessel
The Life Vessel offers a unique therapeutic experience aimed at promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and equilibrium within the body. It empowers the body's inherent capacity for self-regulation and healing, providing a holistic approach to well-being at Dayspring Cancer Clinic.
Mistletoe therapy, extensively utilized in European cancer treatment, demonstrates promising potential in stimulating the immune system's response against cancer cells. At Dayspring Cancer Clinic, we consider this approach as part of our comprehensive care.
The Myers’ Cocktail is a much-loved tool in naturopathic medicine. It is a way to propel basic nutritional support directly to cells, by-passing the need to go through the digestive system which is often compromised in cancer patients.
Neo7Logix Trifold Patient
The Neo7Logix Trifold Patient approach integrates PBIMA-PES™, a precision targeted investigative peptide therapy designed for conditions like cancer, autoimmune disorders, inflammation-related ailments, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Neo7Peptide Therapy
Neo7Peptide Therapy uses Precision-Based Immuno-Molecular Augmentation (PBIMA) and Personalized Edited Sequence (PES) techniques, to modulate a patient's immune response, directing it towards specific disease-causing antigens. This targets the root cause of conditions, enhancing the immune system with pinpoint accuracy.
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy replenishes crucial oxygen levels to support healthy cell function. This approach helps maintain optimal cellular conditions, potentially inhibiting the transition to cancerous cell states due to oxygen deficiency.
Prayers for Patients Healing
We believe healing encompasses not only the physical, but also the emotional and spiritual aspects of a person. For those who seek it, we offer prayers as a source of comfort and strength, recognizing the profound impact that faith can have on the journey towards well-being.
Rife Therapy (AI-Based)
Rooted in the intersection of physics and biology, this innovative approach combines centuries-old principles of energy-based health practices with cutting-edge technology to promote balance and well-being.
Royal Rife Resonance Therapy
Royal Rife Resonance Therapy harnesses specific frequencies generated by Rife frequency generators, targeting pathogens and addressing a diverse range of health conditions.