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AI-Based Resonance Therapy

Editor’s note: The content in this article is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of a licensed health care provider before making any medical decisions.


Bioenergetics is the study of how energy travels through living organisms. It is truly the field where physics and biology meet. This study has been applied to both diagnostic and therapeutic applications in health for centuries. Subtle energies were reported to have been used in Ancient Egypt to diagnose and treat illness. Electrical and magnetic stimulation has been applied for centuries to both humans and animals to promote healing, remove toxins, and reestablish equilibrium in the body.

The nomenclatures and techniques within bioenergetics are broad. They include: Sound therapy, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies), Solfeggio Tones, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Plasma and Scalar waves, and many other scientific and commercial terms.

One area of bioenergetics is called “Frequency Specific Microcurrents”. These techniques are based on the premise that every organism has specific reactions to electrical stimuli.

The DNA Resonance Approach

Over 100 years ago, an optical scientist and health researcher, named Royal Rife, devised a technique to view live viruses and bacteria through a microscope he invented. Through his steadfast interest in finding the cause of cancer, he discovered that specific frequencies, in the radio frequency range (mostly AM radio range) could devitalize specific pathogens, each at their own unique frequencies. He termed this the “Mortal Oscillatory Rate”, or MOR of an organism.

Editor’s note: While the research of Royal Rife is well-documented, and others have devoted resources to finding their own resonant and destructive frequencies to kill cancer, these techniques are not substantiated at this time through peer-reviewed, clinically rigorous study. In other words, destroying cancer through frequencies is an unchartered and unverifiable approach to treatment.

The research has spawned more specific theories about the resonance of any organism based upon the geometry of its DNA. The reader is encouraged to research the area themselves and use their discerning mind to assess the validity of this research.

Quick Summary

This article covers basic background on bioenergetics and describes the Hero Frequencies™ system for transmitting DNA resonant frequencies. The system provides the following:

  • A system, with remote operation capability available to Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Functional Medicine professionals, Veterinarians, and others having first-line contact with clients who can benefit from resonant frequencies

  • Precise resonant frequencies calculated from genetic data of pathogens

  • Cloud-connected, real-time access to nucleotide data from the National Institutes of Health

  • A vast library of pathogens and their resonant frequencies

  • A scripting system to create “frequency playlists” that can be saved and transmitted through PEMF, contact, plasma, piezo crystal, foot bath or other means

  • An AI-based biofeedback system that uses anomaly detection and inductive algorithms to identify “frequencies of interest” which can be played back in frequency playlists

  • This AI-based system is what delineates the HERO Frequencies system from previous programs that were attempting to find the best frequencies for the individual

  • Remote control to allow host systems to automatically monitor and change frequency playlists based on biofeedback

Hero Frequencies™ Composer and Emitter with cellular router for remote operation

The Hero Frequencies™ Approach

Applied researchers have been delivering the DNA frequencies for decades through various systems. The Hero Frequencies™ platform provides a comprehensive workbench and output system to target specific DNA resonant frequencies using custom software, precision frequency generators and novel output devices to transmit these frequencies.

The Hero Frequencies™ system strives to faithfully implement several known algorithms for DNA resonance in a quick, reliable, compact platform which can be tested and leveraged by anyone who is interested in this field of bioenergetics.

The system consists of a “Composer” unit which calculates resonant DNA frequencies from known databases; a “Conductor” system which creates a frequency “playlist” that can include these frequencies, along with other frequencies, and an emitter to deliver the playlist.

The Composer

This component connects to a database of nucleotide data to obtain genetic information used to derive resonant frequencies. One such system is the NIH nucleotide database which is a search engine for genetic data. Here is a sample query for the human simplex virus type 1:


Sample query for human herpes virus type 1


That query produces the following results in the HF Composer:

The Composer accesses real-time genetic data and calculates resonant frequencies for pathogens

The Conductor

This section of the system creates playlists from the resonant frequencies which can be played on various types of emission devices including PEMF, Piezo-electric crystals, Plasma, foot bath and con.

The HF Conductor with a playlist created from DNA resonant frequencies


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