Blue Scorpion Venom
For 20+ years, Cubans have been treating cancer with blue scorpion venom. So too have people elsewhere in the world. The product has been reviewed and registered by the Ministers of Health in several countries.
NMDRussian émigré Dr. Arthur Mikaelian and his company, Medolife, produce a supplement called Escozine™.  It is a homeopathic remedy whose active ingredient is blue scorpion venom. Medolife describes Escozine as an effective cancer treatment because a peptide in the venom called chlorotoxin – the same chemical that paralyzes prey – also targets cancer cells.
In one study, published in 2015, researchers found that scorpion venom peptides bind specifically to cancer cells and shrink and destroy them.[1]
The venom is diluted with pure water. It is a clear, tasteless liquid. It was brought to market in 2007 as a dietary supplement.
For 20+ years, Cubans have been treating cancer with blue scorpion venom. So too have people elsewhere in the world. The product has been reviewed and registered by the Ministers of Health in several countries: Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, and Armenia.
In the words of Medolife’s Armani Minasyan:
We have worked with 18,000 patients, most of whom were stage IV – their doctors had given up on them. We’ve seen the venom produce great results and with no side effects. We are way past the ‘snake oil’ phase. We are applying for FDA registration as an orphan drug, meaning if the patient has tried everything else and failed, the FDA would approve its use.
Medolife produces Escozine in a U.S. FDA approved facility in California and a WHO-GMP certified facility in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
The company sells two products; one can be bought on line, the other is a stronger, energetically-enhanced product made product for doctors’ use. We find the second product to be more potent and is formulated specifically for each specific patient.
Read more at http://medolife.com
[1] www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150527091547.htm