How to Starve Cancer

Wow, what a truly great and interesting book by a woman who went against the grain of conventional medicine by using off label drugs and supplements to treat her stage 4 cancer. Seventeen years later she has now written about her epic journey of healing by methods that are “out of the box” of conventional treatments. Jane McLelland tells her amazing story of resilience and perseverance in doing research and discoveries regarding “off label” drug therapies for her cancer.
We at Dayspring have been huge fans of off label drugs such as Niclosamide (for glutamine driven aggressive cancers) and Mebendazole (promotes apoptosis) for some time. Gratefully we now see others such as Jane McLelland promoting these and other therapies that are “starving cancer” from the nutrients they need to grow and replicate. Think about this, if you can shut off the cancer cell metabolism, you can kill it. Mebendazole and Niclosamide are just a few of the drugs together with supplements such as berberine, other herbs and supplements that can “Circle the Dragon” to use Chinese medicine terminology. Or as Jane McLelland says, to use her “Metro Map”, to starve the cancer cell by withdrawing various building block components necessary to feed the cancer cell metabolism. Just a few of the drugs discussed are Metformin, Dipyridamole, Chloroquine, Doxycycline, Dichloroacetate, 3-Bromopyruvate, Mildronate, 2-Deoxyglucose and others. Supplements include green tea EGCG, Chromium picolinate, Quercetin, Curcumin, Berberine, Ursolic acid, Resveratrol and Intravenous Vitamin C.
We highly recommend this book for those who wish to “step out of the box” and look at what is available and the research that backs up these ideas. Certainly, we at Dayspring believe in this approach and incorporate many of these ideas into our therapy program.